Metaplanet Madness
Kirstyn Lewis Kirstyn Lewis

Metaplanet Madness

So what is going to happen, you ask? It’s not so simple with this two-month Mars in Scorpio transit. The God of War isn’t going anywhere until 24 November when he moves into Jupiter-ruled Sagittarius. What does Jupiter want? Expansion and financial gain? Or something more? Limited in his expression, can Uranus realise his dream of liberation and fight through the chaos?

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Full Moon Eclipse in Taurus
Kirstyn Lewis Kirstyn Lewis

Full Moon Eclipse in Taurus

Scorpio’s energy will run at Mach One the day before the eclipse, firing up our value systems. He is testing for a reaction. What will be revealed may initially appear insignificant, but pay attention; it will uncover more than you expect.

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Whats in the stars?
Kirstyn Lewis Kirstyn Lewis

Whats in the stars?

Reflect upon the last six weeks.   What events happened in your life or thought processes that led you in a new direction?  Since Mercury Retrograded on 21 April, you are making serious decisions about your future.   Saturn will station retrograde in Pisces in mid-June, giving you extra time to toil for your dreams by giving you more time to consider the structure around what is still not clear.   


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Secrets and New Directions
Kirstyn Lewis Kirstyn Lewis

Secrets and New Directions

The stars are asking, how and in what ways can you thrive? There is a deep focus on career, reputation and status, and the determination to succeed is evident. You must take a risk by thinking outside the square and learning from any mistakes you may have made. All talk and no action will not drive things forward.

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Full Moon in Virgo
Kirstyn Lewis Kirstyn Lewis

Full Moon in Virgo

When you look out the window, what do you see? Are you feeling a strange sense of moving away from your past and connecting with your future? Don’t be surprised, be assured! The Full Moon in Virgo shines a light on your path because she knows you are looking for more detail now around a chain of events or someone you know or may have just met.

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It’s starting to sound like a film script
Kirstyn Lewis Kirstyn Lewis

It’s starting to sound like a film script

The good news is that the new year is just getting started astrologically as the heavens start to clear away the debris of 2022. You may be still struggling with your cosmic journey. You’ve been trying to shine but your energy has been restricted. Are you waiting on a wing and a prayer? Or, better yet, a lottery win? Whatever happens, see it as a gift. Karma is at play.

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Last Eclipse for 2022
Kirstyn Lewis Kirstyn Lewis

Last Eclipse for 2022

The recent eclipse in Scorpio still has you polarised and Jupiter, the planet of expansion, is in Pisces and still retrograding. He is going back over plans you have for the future, causing you to be less forgiving than you have been in the past to anyone who stands in your way of success.

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Is the Scorpio Eclipse here to haunt or help?
Kirstyn Lewis Kirstyn Lewis

Is the Scorpio Eclipse here to haunt or help?

The mystical Scorpio season starts on 24 October, so the planets will all be perfectly aligned and ready for the New Moon Eclipse on 25 October. It will have you thinking about who you are, where you want to go or why you’ve been blocked until now. Has someone tried to dim your light?

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New Moon in Cancer
Kirstyn Lewis Kirstyn Lewis

New Moon in Cancer

Cancers will be in the thick of it, our mystical Scorpio friends will be keeping a low profile knowing it was all going to kick off (and probably started this whole quagmire), Pisces tried to tell you so, and Aquarians, Taurus and Gemini gals can expect to fair best. Good luck everyone else, see you on the other side. Show us what you’re made of!

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Mercury in Gemini
Kirstyn Lewis Kirstyn Lewis

Mercury in Gemini

A very clever and curious Mercury in Gemini is now moving at lightning speed. You may want to pay particular attention to your Ascendant sign and how others view your communication. They are interested in listening to you, what you have to say, and what you read or write. Mercury in Gemini is helping you to be heard.

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What is a VOC Moon?
Kirstyn Lewis Kirstyn Lewis

What is a VOC Moon?

The Moon has been so busy creating a detailed life full of emotion and events she becomes “Void of Course” (VOC) she needs a few hours to rest after she has made her last significant aspect in one sign before transiting into the following sign, e.g. Moon in Sagittarius to the Moon in Capricorn. There will be a few hours break in between every 2.5-day transit through every zodiac sign, so it’s beneficial if you are starting something new, work in sales or have been juggling suitors on dating apps to know the hours to avoid.  

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Venus in Taurus
Kirstyn Lewis Kirstyn Lewis

Venus in Taurus

Some of you may even be attracted to clandestine love affairs at the moment with an older, more powerful person who sees a strong future for you ahead! You may be sexually motivated but the challenge appears to be more related to money. Keep that to yourself if you want to avoid the fallout or hidden enemies gossip.

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