Why Your Moon Sign Matters

They say you should never cross a woman or shy away from her mood as she reflects her sensitivity to outside influences or those beyond her control.  Last week’s New Moon Eclipse will remind you of a light that has dimmed in you based on your more emotional decisions over the past year.  She is very receptive to the energy of others.  The Eclipse delivered a self-realization that you may need to cultivate perseverance rather than jumping to conclusions.  Perhaps you have tried to dominate a situation through your emotions or failed to listen to sound advice.  By May 7, you will feel that the worst has passed.  You are sitting like a Judge with all the information at hand. How you play the game and get through is the very reason your Moon Sign Matters and why you will want to use it to your advantage to plot and plan the month.

On average, the Moon moves through every sign at around 13 degrees per day, or 2.5 days for every sign. She takes 28.5 days to orbit the earth and completes her full tour of the zodiac, returning to where it all began for you. Do you know your Moon sign? Log onto Astro.com to check if you don’t know. For the most accurate results, you will need your date, place of birth, and time of birth.

Those who have the good fortune to have a Strong Moon in their chart, nestled naturally in Cancer rulership (the moodiest of signs) or exalted in Taurus, have a mark of resilience, where setbacks become stepping stones to success. Others will be drawn to their effervescence and marvel at their ability to bounce back from impediments. 

Perhaps you have a Beneficial Moon?  This one provides stability and balance as you go through life.  Thankfully most people.   You are generally consistent in your emotional life, even if sometimes a tad predictable and boring.  Everyone needs someone that they can rely on, and you’re it.   Hands up, Aries, Gemini, Leo, Libra, Sagittarius!

An Afflicted Moon usually sits in the 6th, 8th or 12th houses, causing ailments, addictions or hampering growth. Sometimes, Virgo can be afflicted; other times, she can be very beneficial. It’s best to catch these Harvester Moon types at night when they are more relaxed if you’re looking for emotional support.  During the day, they can be dismissive and nonchalant as they are toiling away at work.    Scorpio and Pisces Moon types are known to be the most afflicted. Reflect on how they can be the source of their own self-undoing.   The Moon is famously revengeful in Scorpio; take heed.

The Moon is in Adversity in Saturn-ruled signs Capricorn and Aquarius. Don’t expect these lunar types to be sympathetic to your needs. They tend to exhibit a colder, more practical, and wiser outlook. Ask them to help you structure a plan to work through any difficult emotional situations; they bring a welcome sobriety to any situation, waking you up to the reality of life.   

Try to take advantage of important events as much as possible while the Moon is in an emotionally stable reception, with the Moon in Taurus being the most beneficial. She will be at her strongest, at 3 degrees (of the 30 degrees it travels through each sign), or to make it simple, just a smidge under the first three hours of her sign change. Look out for the New Moon in Taurus on May 8. You should be able to conclude a ‘misunderstanding’ around communication that has been a thorn in your side by June 22. Your tenacity is admirable. Have you been fighting for principles? Slowly, surely and with admirable obstinance, you can win the race.


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